Kamis, 24 November 2011

6 Tips Keamanan komputer Dari Virus Internet

keamanan komputer dari aksi para maling itu diluar artikel ini ya :D Disini hanya mengkhususkan diri utuk virus internet.

Berikut 6 Tips Keamanan Komputer menurut saya :

1. Gunakan AntiVirus
Tentu saja ini yang paling penting. Mau nggak mau anti virus seperti sebuah penjaga yang akan mencegah berbagai macam virus. Oh ya! Jika nggk punya duit jangan gunakan antivirus bajakan…gunakan antivirus gratis saja. Tidak kalah hebat kok dalam membasmi virus internet.

Jangan lupa untuk selalu mengupdate apapun demi keamanan komputer. Bukan hanya anti virus saja yang diupdate. SEMUANYA! baik itu Operating Systemnya, Software yang terinstall maupun driver. Tidak ada perangkat lunak atau software yang sempurna..pasti ada sebuah celah keamanan. Jangan percaya programmer yang berkata “Software saya sepurna dalam keamanan komputer”
Untuk menutup lubang keamanan itu kita harus update dan update. Karena virus internet juga selalu update dan update.

3. Hati-hati saat browsing
Kebanyakan virus internet menyebar dari situs porno maupun warez (mp3 ilegal, software bajakan dsb). Jika tidak mau terkena virus ya jangan kesana. Ini cara terbaik dalam mencegah virus komputer.
Tapi saya tahu anda sudah kecanduan dengan situs semacam itu. Maka daripada itu jika ada peringatan dari browser anda, lebih baik acuhkan saja situs tersebut. Atau saat berkunjung ke website itu muncul kotak dialog yang isinya meminta untuk menginstall sesuatu..sudah acuhkan saja.
Berhati-hatilah biasanya situs semacam itu menggunakan permainan kata-kata seperti sedang memberikan hadiah kepada anda. Kenyataanya itu adalah sebuah virus internet yang dapat mengganggu keamanan komputer.

4. Selalu scan file yang di download
Apapun file yang anda download walaupun itu berasal dari website yang terpercaya seperti blog ini. Itu Harus tetap diSCAN pakai anti virus.  Contohnya setelah anda mendownload ebook gratis, apa anda yakin ebook itu bebas kuman eh maksudnya bebas virus. Atau saat mendapatkan script gratis..apa benar script itu benar-benar aman.
Mencegah itu selalu lebih baik daripada mengobati

5. Hati-hati email
Salah satu penyebaran virus internet adalah melalui email. Apalagi jika mendapat email yang berisi file seperti EXE, VBS, BAT. Ditambah itu dikirim oleh orang asing…bisa-bisa virus internet itu mematikan komputer lalu reboot dan muncul pesan “Selamat Harddisk anda kapasitasnya bertambah ”
Gimana nggak bertambah,  lha wong semua file dihapus.

6. Baca terus Artikel keamanan komputer
Perkembangan sebuah komputer itu berjalan seperti halnya seekor panther …cepat sekali. Mungkin artikel kemanan komputer yang anda baca 1 bulan yang lalu sudah usang termakan zaman. Jadi terus-teruslah membaca berbagai artikel komputer yang bagus & baru 

  sampai disini artikel ini saya tulis...
maaf kalo ada salah2 kata ,... 
maklum hanya seorang newbie :D

In God We Trust?

The US House few days ago passed a resolution reaffirming 'In God We Trust' as the country's national motto. The measure which was sponsored by Republican Representative Randy Forbes from Virginia was approved with 396 for, 9 against and two abstentions. According to him, the measure was necessary to check "a disturbing trend of inaccuracies and omissions, misunderstandings of church and state, rogue court challenges, and efforts to remove God from the public domain by unelected bureaucrats'. He further stated that as the United States faces challenging times that, "it is appropriate for Members of Congress and our nation-like our predecessors-to firmly declare our trust in God, believing that it will sustain us for generations to come,' True! Sure, this measure couldn't have come at a better time. This indeed has been a trying period for the Americans - terrorism threats, loss of jobs, moral decay, homosexuality, atheism, Satanism, etc.
'In God We Trust' first appeared on the US coins during the Civil War in 1864. It officially became the nations' motto in 1956 by an act of congress, and began appearing on her paper money the following year - 1957. The phrase is also found in the last stanza of the US National Anthem, public buildings, schools and also displayed above judges' chairs in courts. There is no doubt that America was founded on Christian principles and this was clearly demonstrated by the founding fathers all over Washington D.C buildings, in official documents and historic speeches. God is also mentioned in her constitution and Pledge of Allegiance. So, what has gone wrong? Why did Rep. Forbes sponsor the resolution to reaffirm this belief?
According to him, his action was propelled by the present efforts to remove God from America's public domain, rogue court challenges, the necessity to declare the country's trust in God, etc. Wonderful! This is very refreshing, coming from the same congress that once failed to approve the bill seeking to prohibit same-sex marriage sometime ago. Yes, America has backslidden. They have deviated from the dreams and beliefs of their founding fathers. They have taken the cherished liberty to a very ridiculous level. They have taken liberty and thrown away the one that gave it to them. President Thomas Jefferson succinctly captured this when he wrote, ""The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are of God?'"
Today, Americans gladly champion causes that are contrary to the principles and foundation that brought them to be the most powerful and most prosperous nation on earth. And this is what Forbes' sponsored resolution seeks to correct - to remind them of their root and the source of their strength and prosperity. "Remember it is God that gives you the ability..." I can hear him saying.
Yes, this move is critical at this point in time because America has abandoned the very foundation on which it was built. They have abandoned the vision and belief of their founding fathers. The legacies, labors and prayers of their fathers are about going in vain. Would the founding fathers of America have believed that their cherished nation would one day champion ungodly and ignoble causes like homosexuality, same-sex marriage, atheism and occultism? Today more many states in the US have legalized same-sex (gay) marriage. Even the congress failed to pass the bill to stop this anti-God, anti-marriage, anti-American madness. Could the founding fathers have imagined that an American president would be dancing around such fundamental national issues like gay marriage and leading the erasing of God in American public consciousness? President Obama's statement on his trip to India in December is one the reasons cited by Mr. Forbes for sponsoring his resolution. He called 'E pluribus unum' (meaning 'from many one') the national motto, and prompted its addition to the new Capitol Visitors Center. Can you imaging that? But the Congress has since ordered for the correction.
I know those great men would be 'groaning' in their graves by knowing that the country they founded, fought for and nurtured to greatness by their prayers, handwork and trust in God is now directly involved in Satanism. I mean people proudly, public flouting their worship Satan the devil. Incredible! Yes, today you have church of Satan in the US. This is besides other very demonic and dangerous secret societies and cults. Most having their headquarters in that country. Consulting psychics and witches, mediums and other agents of Satan is now the order of the day. Before, it was a tradition for the authorities to consult men of God on pressing national issues including going to war, but today all that have changed. Worse, millions of 'God Own Country' citizens presently do not believe in the existence God at all. They say that God is just an illusion or a myth. They believe that the universe just happened. They believe more in science and technology. I watched one of them on television recently. He was laboring to prove to the whole world that his creator does not exit. He has even written books on that. Yes, an American? Everything about and around God is presently being ridiculed, questioned or threatened by this same people that He has favored most.
America is fast deviating from its roots, history, source of strength and place in prophecy. They are busy instituting democracy, handing out aids, policing the world, but left their own hedge broken. And the word of God says that if you break the hedge, serpent will bite you. It is quite unfortunate that they are by their actions and inactions on the above enumerated issues throwing their flanks open for an imminent and monumental divine abandonment, defeat and destruction. They also look like that army general called Naaman; who was powerful, wealthy, influential, but leprous. It is indeed sad that the Ephraim (America) and Manasseh (UK) are both abandoning the God that made them great. The God that they once preached to the whole world. Today, Ghana, Tanzania and other countries are resisting the UK government on their gay for aids policy. The UK authority wants them to legalize homosexuality or have their aids cut. What a shame! I remember that it was just a pamphlet of the report on Azusa street revival in the US that triggered off the now great move of God in my country and in other parts of Africa from the 1930s. They indeed have abandoned the God they once zealously forced to us.

Money Making Ideas for Your Blog

        A blog is a great way to share your knowledge and opinion with other like-minded readers about a topic you are fond of. Over time, you can build a list of loyal readers who turn to you as an established authority figure on the subject.
You can create a blog on just about any topic. If you enjoy politics, then you can have a political blog and share your thoughts about an election or foreign policies. If you are an avid video gamer, then you can mention the latest games being released. Whatever topic you choose, it should be informative with quality content.
For some people, a blog has become more than just a way for them to share their interests with others. Some bloggers have turned blogging into a profession. Earning income through blogging is very possible, and more bloggers are doing it either on a part-time basis or as a full-time career.
The most common way to earn money through blogging is by becoming an affiliate marketer. Affiliates promote someone else's product and receive a share of the commission for every sale he makes. Most online companies offer an affiliate program that you can sign up for. Once a member, just leave a link on your blog that takes a visitor to the vendor's site. If a purchase is made, then you get paid. Some vendors may also provide banners and ads that you can place on your blog. Whatever product you promote, just be sure it is related to your blog. In other words, if you have a video game blog, then don't become an affiliate for a company that sells pet products.
Another way to profit from blogging is by joining a paid blogging site. There are advertisers that will pay you to leave a link, ad or write a product review on your blog. The site acts as a middle man between advertisers and bloggers. By joining these sites, you will have access to a database of advertisers that you can coordinate with.
Before you decide to make money off your blog, you will have to do some work on your site. This means making sure that your site is regularly updated, has a good number of readers, is ranked well in the search engine for specific keywords and has a decent page rank. Most vendors and advertisers will not bother with blogs that fall short in any of these areas. Also, meaningful content should always be present in your blog. Do not over saturate your blog with advertisement and affiliate links. It will become apparent to your readers that your main initiative is to make a sale. You will quickly lose readers this way.
Blogging for income is a legitimate way to earn a realistic income. Just be sure to slowly build up your blog and get a loyal following of readers before trying to turn it into a money making machine.

How To Be A Good Online Freelancer

         There was a time when people really had to go to offices to work. But that's not the case now. As the Internet continues to boom, it changes the way people live, too. It even changes the way people work. Now, people can work at the convenience of their own home, at their own time. That is called online freelancing where an independent contractor (or a team, in some cases) sells his labor to clients from anywhere in the world.
Like any other job, online freelancing is never easy. You have to put a lot of effort to make it work. You have to take is seriously. You have to treat it like any other job you had in the past. You have to take it professionally.
So how do you make yourself effective as an online freelancer? Here are a few tips to help you get started with.
First, you must know and select your own niche. What are the things you love to do? What are you good at? In my case, it's writing. I had been writing for more than six years now so naturally, I would use that skill to get myself a job as an online freelancer. How about you? What are your skills? That would be your most powerful tool in online freelancing.
Second, you must learn when to trust. Remember, you are dealing with people you do not really know. The Internet is full of scammers so learn to use that "sixth sense". Know who to trust and who to avoid. In online freelancing where every second counts, time wasted is money wasted.
Third, consider developing long term relationships with clients. In the online world where everything is not guaranteed, it is always better if you develop a long term working relationship with a certain client. Working with a long term client is a lot more comfortable since you already know about his taste and all. Plus, it'll guarantee you more work in the future.
Finally, do not stay inside your comfort zone. Yes, it is, of course, recommended that you start at your own forte. In my case, it's writing. But do not just settle there. Expand your horizon. Learn new skills. The Internet is a very good place to learn so take advantage of what it can offer.
Online freelancing is a very rewarding career if you only know how to do it right.

History of Taj Mahal - A Love Saga Of Shah Jahan And Mumtaz Mahal

        Witness the living legacy of undying love in Taj Mahal. For centuries, the monument has inspired painters, poets and musicians to capture its elusive magic in color, word and song. It is one of the most flawless architectural wonders of the world. Legendary history behind the construction of this monument is very surprising.
Death of Mumtaz Mahal
In 17th century AD. In 1630, Mumtaz Mahal gave birth to her 14th child. But soon after that, her condition became worse. And took last breathe in arms of her husband. Before her death, she extracted 4 promises from her husband :

a) take care of her children. 
b) he should remarry after her death
c) to build a memorial to their eternal love and.
d) he should visit the memorial every year on her death anniversary.

Construction of Taj Mahal
The eternal love of Shah Jahan for his beloved consort, led him to erect a memorial. The king was a passionate architecture who visualized the Taj Mahal. The construction of this monument began in the year 1632 and was completed in 1653 with a time span of 22 years. 20, 000 people were employed to construct this white marble mausoleum. A group of finest architects, stone-carvers, inlay craftsmen, mansions and calligraphers were appointed to design this memorial, in which Ustad Ias Khan, the Persian master had an important role in designing the structure. Apart from that Abd Ul-Karim Ma'mur and Makramat Khan were the skilled architects who helped in construction of the monument. Artists from different parts of the world - Baghdad, Baluchistan, Bokhara, Samarkand, Syria and South India were also engaged to assemble this outstanding edifice.

Taj Mahal is adorned with semi-precious stones and gems. Different elements and materials used in the construction were imported across the globe and different parts of India. Its history tells that yellow marble and rock-spar from the bank of Narmada river, white marble from Makrana Rajasthan, black marble is from Charkoh and red sandstone from Sikri. The finest gems from different countries like turquoise from Tibet, Chrysolite from Egypt, jade and crystal from China, sapphires from Sri Lanka, lapis from Afghanistan, amethyst from Persia, malachite from Russia and diamonds from Hyderabad in India.
Bitter Truth
As per the history of Taj Mahal, it is believed that Shah Shan ordered to cut off the hand of the chief architect - Ustad Isa Khan Effendi, so that such kind building could never be reconstructed in future.

This is the undying story that has now became an integral part of the Taj Mahal history and its construction.

4 Simple Ways To Make Money From Home

Start A Blog

      Blogs are very easy to set up. You can have one up and running within 10 minutes or less. All you need to do is purchase a domain name and hosting and you are ready to go. The great thing about a blog is that it can be about anything you want it to be about it. You can blog about your views on political issues, you can blog about sports or you can just blog about your everyday life.
The idea is to keep it updated on a regular basis. Use social media to your advantage to drive traffic to your blog. Once you start getting a steady stream of traffic you can monetize it with Google Adsense or affiliate offers. Some people have been able to turn simple blogs into six figure a year incomes.

Write Articles On iWriter

          As long as there are websites and blogs, there will be a need for articles. iWriter is a site where website owners come to have articles written. There are thousands of article writing opportunities posted on this site each and every month. All you have to do is sign up and start writing. The amount you make is totally up to you.
The more articles you write, the more money you will make. And the best part is that you get paid every Tuesday. Once you reach the $20 threshold your money will be transferred into your PayPal account. If you need money fast this is the best way to get it.

Do Freelance Work

         More and more companies are turning to freelancers as a way to save money. Hundreds of thousands of freelance opportunities are available at this very moment. You can find freelance work on sites such as Guru.com or Elance.com. They are free to sign up for. You will however need a resume showing that you are qualified for the positions you are applying for.
If you are applying for graphic design opportunities it is a good idea to showcase some of your work. Doing so will dramatically increase your chances of getting the job. The great thing about freelance work is that you can do as little or as much as you want. So the amount of money you make is totally up to you.

Affiliate Marketing

      The affiliate marketing industry is evolving more and more with each passing year. There are people who make millions a year from affiliate marketing alone. As an affiliate marketer you will marker other peoples products for a commission. For example, Walmart has an affiliate program. If you sign up for it you will now be able to promote their products for a commission.
That means anytime someone clicks on one of your links and makes a purchase on the Walmart website, you will get paid. Now let me make one thing straight about affiliate marketing. Contrary to what some of the so called gurus tell you, you cannot push a button and make millions with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a great way to make money from home but it takes a great deal of work. If you aren't willing to do the work, you won't be successful.

Principles for a Successful Home Based Business!

          When we start a business opportunity the principles we have always play a big part in who we are and what we become. Failure is an inside job and so is success and if you want to win you have to first win the war in your mind. This is where the battles are either won or lost. We have to unlearn wrong thinking and relearn right thinking, it is that simple. We cannot go around rude, complaining, selfish or just not nice and expect to see positive results, that is not going to happen. It is all in the way we see things as an individual, you cannot let the failures outside of you get on the inside of you, wake up and look at where you are going in life. There are things we have no control over, who our parents are, where we are from, the color of our skin or our gender. However, there are things we do have some control over and that is our thought life. It all plays out the same way, if you are a positive person in private, it will overflow into your public life and effect others in a positive way, the same is true if you are a negative person, you will then in turn get negative results. Your attitude will effect those around you, either good or bad, you decide.
For those of you seeking a home based business, you will fall into one of these following categories and you also need to remember the main reason for seeking a home based business.

● A hard worker who is tired of the corporate world and desperately wants to work from home.

● A stay at home mom who needs extra money and doesn't want to work some low wage job.

● People who are happy with their career and/or job, but would like to build a business of their own with
extra money for college or retirement, an extra $200 or $300 can go a long way.

● Someone experienced in business/marketing that would like to add an additional stream of income
to their life and these individuals would be far ahead of the game,
But why do some on-line businesses fail while others succeed, why does any business endeavor fail for that matter? It goes back to the principles we live by. A person can have all the knowledge to do a specific job but if they do not have the work ethics and mind-set to get the job done, they will just be spinning their wheels, wasting valuable time for both themselves and the ones in their inner circle. Some unsuccessful people tell themselves that as soon as they achieve considerable success or discover some unseen talent, then they will turn their attention into helping someone else. This attitude never works, for others can always tell your true motives, may take some time but when money is involved people become very skeptical and for good reason.
Many people that fail do so because they think of no one but themselves, they worry that someone is going to get ahead of them, what others may think of them, and they scramble to make sure no one gets their part and continually puts their focus on protecting themselves. The problem with this is, all your energy and attention goes to yourself and you cannot do very much business with just yourself. You may need to learn a new way of thinking where others come first. This may take some time but remember, this is your decision and no one can or will make it for you. We are the only ones that have that control and that is a God given gift.
How many gifted and talented people are out there that could have done a wonderful online business from home if they just possessed the right work principles in life. Being positive about themselves and what they want from life is a way to focus your attention. Even if you are not at the job you want right now but have plans to begin, with the right principles of the mind, the wait and ride will be so much better and go by much faster than first expected. For what we can see, we can be. A vision has to come first before anything is ever materalized in the natural, but the individual has to take action and how they treat themselves and others plays a big part.

● Always be appreciative when people do nice things for you, either at work or home.
In general, people do not have to do anything extra for us and when they do, let them know how grateful you are.

● Be a person that encourages others, everyone needs a comforting word from time to time.
Always see people you come in contact with in your business as being a ten in your eyes, for when others see you appreciate them and see their potential in your eyes, they will strive to be what you see them as. This will not only help with your business but it will help you all around in life.
So in pursuing your home-based business or any business opportunity for that matter, remember your thoughts because your attitude will effect those around you either good or bad. I love to read Proverbs 4:7 from the Bible~. Wisdom is the principal thing; this says is all for me, for in anything you set out to do if you focus on the principle of maintaining a positive attitude and one that sets out to help others while you are helping yourself, there is no limit in the success you will attain in life. You decide what kind of mind-set you are going to have for success, it all depends on your attitude and the principles you put in place for your life.

~ 7 Ways For How to Get Your Website Indexed ~

         Whenever you create a new domain or even web page, you want to get the search engines to find it as quickly as possible and add it to its search engine index. This is referred to as "indexing". Just by way of the technological improvements of search engines in the past 15 years or so, indexing speed continues to naturally improve.
Still, you want to know that whenever you create new content it will be recognized and indexed by the search engines as soon as possible, so here are 7 methods for how to get your website indexed.


     Pinging is a way of manually notifying search engines that they should check out your site as you have new content to share with them. If you use WordPress it's supposed to automatically ping new content every time you create it making it that much easier.


        Creating backlinks to your content is likely the fastest way of how to get your website indexed because search engines recognize a backlink as a stamp of approval or quality. Another way of thinking about it is that another website is vouching for your content by linking to it, so if you create new content and immediately create one or more backlinks to it, search engines will check out that link and naturally and quickly find your content.
The more authority which the website which is passing the link to your site carries, the faster you'll get indexed as higher authority sites get crawled by search engines more frequently than others.

Create Content

It makes a big difference if you create a few pages of content (even just a few paragraphs per page) versus just putting up a temporary "check back soon" construction page. I don't know why you would be in a rush to get your site indexed without any content on it, but this still counts.

Create a Sitemap and Ping it

A sitemap is a formatted file with an XML extension. This file contains the URL for every page or post on your site and search engines like them because it's a quick organized snapshot of all of your content. There are dozens of free plugins to create one click sitemaps for your site if you're using a software like WordPress to house your site. Once you create the sitemap, ping it.

Internal Links

Creating internal links on your site from new content to older existing content is a good way to not only get new pages on an existing site indexed quickly, but it's a good way of how to get your website indexed if it's new, as well.

Add Google Analytics

This refers exclusively to Google, of course, but adding Google Analytics to your site forces Google to begin performing analytics on your site, thereby forcing it to acknowledge your site.

Use AdWords Advertising

This also applies exclusively to Google, but creating paid advertising ads through their AdWords program is another way to quickly get them to notice your site as every web page which gets linked to through an AdWords ad is thoroughly checked out by Google themselves.
By performing a number of these methods of how to get your website indexed, you should be able to find your content within a few hours.

Now that you're indexed, let's look at how to improve your search engine rankings. I made a week-long series of posts exclusively on the topic of improving your search engine rankings and you can check out day one by clicking on this link on writing copy for SEO
OR you can sign up for my free 10 Day Fast Track Training Course which is a completely free email/video based course designed to teach anyone how to make serious money through affiliate marketing. Check out this video to see how quick and easy it is to make money in affiliate marketing when the path is laid out clearly right in front of you without costing you a dime.

☀ Keeping Your Children Safe Online ☀

          You hear many horror stories about children using the internet, and a quick look in the news will immediately warn you that this is a breeding ground for extreme views, for pedophiles and for 'cyber bullying'. Of course that's not quite the reality of the internet, in fact the internet is a fantastic tool for democracy, for freedom of speech and for creativity. The problem is though, that not everyone uses it that way and few mentally ill individuals ruin it for everyone. So the question is, how do you go about protecting your children from all this and what do you go about blocking them from? How do you protect them without controlling them or without mollycoddling them?
The first thing to implement is parental control software. Parental control measures will allow you to block keywords in websites and this can allow you to block off any site that has a mention of something you don't want your child to look at. For instance you can use parental control in order to block sites that have profanities in their text, or to block websites that have sexual images or references. Of course this will keep them safe from many different things that could otherwise upset them. If you suspect your child has tried to bypass your parental control, then normally you can find this out by checking the browsing history on your web browser (be suspicious of any conspicuously empty histories too).
The problem is though, that it's not just static text you need to worry about with parental control. The real danger you see is the people who are online and who can engage in cyber bullying and in stalking or grooming.
So how do you keep your children safe from these threats? Well parental control can help to a degree to begin with. This is because parental control will also allow you to block specific sites and when your child is young it might be a good idea to block them from the social networking sites. This then can keep them safe from bullies and from strangers until they are old enough to handle them. In the interim you should also educate your children on safe use of the net.
This is quite easy to begin with on something like Facebook which is actually designed with safety in mind. On Facebook you are not meant to accept anyone who isn't already your friend in real life. This is easy enough to monitor, you simply vet all friend requests. Likewise you can do the same on MSN or Skype, and while this won't keep you safe from imposters or from people who are pretending to be their friend, it will help to limit the threat considerably.
The other form of parental control - and the best form to begin with - is simply to supervise sessions online. Have one computer that is in a family room and make sure that you are in there when they use it and you can this way prevent them from going on malicious sites or from talking to the wrong people.
Parental control can only protect your children from so much. Use computer tech support for more suggestions.

Reduce Bad Medical Software Through Telemarketing

       Telemarketing firms always assure their clients that they have a large business database while their agents are ever ready to peruse it for prospects. Furthermore, they continue to update it by adding even more information vital to B2B lead generation. With the right amount of product information, they can generate enough leads that could satisfy even large, multi-national corporations. Whereas other companies attempt to strike out on their own with telemarketing, they'd be hard pressed to make one as experienced in the field as companies that have invested more time and technology in the practice than they have. Most importantly however, the speed at which telemarketers deliver ensures that the leads they procure are all in immediate need of their client's products.
In the medical software business, that speed can be critical.
Medicines aren't the only things heavily regulated by food and drug government agencies. Many of these agencies also have very strict guidelines regarding the production of medical software. Who can blame them? Medical software is one of the few fields of computer programming that deal in dangerous situations of life and death. A single coding error in medical equipment could lead to a number of fatal accidents such as flawed diagnosis, overdoses during treatment, or ICU failure. The lives of people weigh more heavily on the shoulders of these developers than anything else, even the need for funds.

Senin, 07 November 2011

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                                      Virtual Gift

             Give a virtual gift to your current friends, or new people you want to meet. Virtual gifts also allow you to send a private message to any user on Camfrog. Even if the user is on privacy mode he or she can still receive and read your message. Begin sending your virtual gift by choosing the item you want to send below. Virtual gifts and gift points disappear from user profiles after 90 days.

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Minggu, 06 November 2011

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